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How to edit payroll run

Can I cancel or make changes to an upcoming payroll run?

Updated over 8 months ago

Customers can set up recurring payrolls for contractors. You can set up the pay schedule here and once it is set up, the payroll items will be visible on the Run Payroll tab.

Payroll items for current pay periods that haven't been processed yet will always be displayed with the upcoming deadline(s) on the Run Payroll tab. Before the payroll deadline, when the payroll status is in the Draft or Pending stage, you can make changes, including skipping the payroll run, adjusting amounts, adding other earnings or reimbursements, canceling individual payrolls, or adding new contractors

Changes are allowed up until the approval deadline, when payroll will begin processing.

To adjust the amount or add other earnings to payroll:

  1. Go to Run Payroll tab and click on the Draft or Pending payroll you want to edit.

  2. On the payroll details page, click the three dots next to "View" button and select "Edit".

  3. An editing payroll page will open, where you can choose to adjust the hours, add additional earnings, reimbursements, or add notes.

  4. Once done, click "Save changes".

    1. If you set the pay schedule approval to auto, click "Save changes and approve," and you should be all set.

    2. If you set the pay schedule approval to manual, after clicking "Save changes," click the "Approve" button on the upper left side if everything is good to proceed.

💡 Please note: Payroll changes can also be initiated from the contractor’s profile, such as changing their compensation or adding a recurring reimbursement.

To cancel an upcoming recurring payment:

  1. Go to Run Payroll tab and click on the Draft or Pending payroll you want to edit.

  2. If you want to cancel the entire payroll, on the payroll details page, click the three dots next to the "View" button and select "Skip."

  3. To cancel one or more contractors' payments, untick the box next to the contractor's name that you don't want to cancel.
    ℹ️ Important Information: Ensure only the boxes for contractors whose payroll you want to cancel are ticked.

  4. Click the three dots next to the "View" button and select "Skip."

💡 Please note: If the payroll has already been scheduled, you can cancel the individual payment by following the steps in our article on How to cancel a scheduled payment. This option is only available if the payroll has not been processed yet.

Adding a new global contractor to upcoming recurring payments

You can still add a new contractor to the upcoming payroll before the payroll deadline.

Add the contractor to the pay schedule following the instructions in this article on How to Schedule a Payment. The contractor will be added to the upcoming payroll within an hour.

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