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Importing US historical payroll

How do I transition to Plane if I've been using a different payroll provider for US payroll?

Updated over 3 months ago

As part of your US payroll implementation, we may need to import your historical payroll data. This step will not apply to you if you are running payroll for the first time or transitioning to Plane at the start of the year.

If you are transitioning from another payroll provider mid-year, you’ll need to provide payroll details for each employee through the last payroll on your previous provider. This is necessary to ensure the appropriate taxes have been withheld and remitted. Here are the steps involved and the respective timelines;

1. Get started with US payroll implementation

The first step is to get access to the US payroll and add and onboard your employees. More information on these steps is available here. Once this is completed, we'll be able to get the necessary information to help with importing the historical payroll data. This step can take a few hours or even minutes based on how fast the employees onboard.

2. Share a report with the historical payroll data

All components of earnings and employee and employer taxes are required for the current tax year. The data for complete quarters can be summarized for each employee. If you are transitioning in the middle of a quarter, the details of each paycheck are required.

Let’s say you are transitioning to Plane, and your first pay period is May 1 to May 15th, with a pay date of May 15th. The first quarter has been completed, so the data can be summarized for January through March, i.e., you don’t need to provide the details by paycheck. However, you will need to provide the details of each paycheck for the month of April.

Getting historical payroll data

You can do this by running a payroll journal report or payroll register report (preferably as a CSV) from your previous payroll provider. You’ll need to wait until the last payroll has been completed before submitting the data to your Plane implementation contact. It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the process and requirements ahead of time so there are no delays.

Please request the import template and export instructions from your Plane implementation contact after all employees have been onboarded.

This step should take a few minutes once we share the template and instructions with you.

3. Plane helps import the data

Once you've onboarded the employees and submitted the historical payroll data, Plane will help prepare and import the data. Plane will require a few hours to finalize this.

4. Timelines

Since this step blocks the US payroll implementation, we recommend getting started earlier to allow enough time to work on it. Here's how timelines would look like;

  • Approximately 1 day for onboarding employees (subject to change based on how fast the employees onboard)

  • 1 business day for Plane to receive the payroll report and import the data.

  • 2 business days for our payroll partner to conduct a final review and approve your company for US payroll.

  • 4 business days for payroll processing.

This means that you'd need to get started approximately 8 business days before your first target pay date.

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