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Getting set up for US payroll

Learn the steps required to get set up for US payroll

Updated over 3 months ago


This article covers all implementation steps required to get set up for US Payroll, whether you are running payroll for W-2 employees for the first time or transitioning from another payroll provider. You can find more information on how long the process takes in this article.

Implementation Steps

The steps to implement US payroll are shown in the flowchart below:

1. Plane will enable access to US Payroll.

If you don't have access yet, please contact our support team. Plane will enable access to US payroll so you can get started with the implementation.

2. Set up pay schedules

After gaining access to US payroll, it's important to ensure you have an active pay schedule for your employees. If you are transitioning from another payroll provider, you may decide to keep what you’ve had in place, but a change is also possible. Please note that some states may have requirements on the payroll frequency, so it's important to confirm. You can find more information on US payroll pay schedules in this article.

3. Add US employees

You can add employees via the People page. This step should be done as soon as possible so employees can start onboarding. See the How to add and onboard a US employee article for more details.

4. Onboard US employees

The onboarding process collects key employee information that is required for payroll to process:

  • Their primary work location/home address for remote workers.

  • Their Social Security Number (SSN).

  • A bank account for direct deposits.

Employees are also asked to complete IRS Form W-4 for federal withholdings. They may also be asked to complete a state-specific withholding form.

When an employee provides a work location in a state that hasn’t previously been entered into Plane, you’ll need to complete the setup for that state. This involves entering payroll tax accounts and tax rates and submitting a filing authorization. This may happen when you're running payroll for the first time or just adding your first employee in a new state. It is important to complete employee onboarding as soon as possible so you can complete these tasks.

You can monitor the status of employee onboarding on the Hire/Onboarding page. You won’t be able to complete the setup for US payroll until all employees have been onboarded, but you can get started.

5. Start US Payroll setup

While employees are onboarding, you can get started on the setup for US Payroll by visiting Payroll > Settings > US Payroll setup.

Click each panel on the right to access the setup forms, such as Tax setup shown below.

Update company details

Review company details and enter any missing information. This is pre-populated with everything you provided when you first registered with Plane.

Add a bank account

Add a bank account if one hasn't already been added.

Manage tax setup

Provide your company’s EIN to complete the Federal tax setup and work on the tax setup for the states that appear in the list. Additional states may appear in the list as employees complete onboarding and work locations in new states are added.

Each state has different requirements, but generally, business accounts are required for unemployment insurance tax and state income tax. Unemployment insurance tax rates are also required. State websites usually make it easy to determine the rate that should be used for new employers if you haven’t been assigned a rate yet.

If you don’t have a specific account number, either because you haven’t registered yet or have registered and are waiting, please select “I’ve applied for but have not received it yet” for the relevant account number. You can run payroll as long as you make this selection, but you should try to complete the setup before the end of the quarter.

Example of selecting “I’ve applied for…” in Colorado

Authorize payroll filings

IRS Form 8655 Reporting Agent Authorization must be signed and filed to authorize Check, Plane's payroll engine, to collect and file taxes on your behalf. Each state will have an equivalent form. Generally, you will not be able to sign and submit state forms until payroll accounts have been established. When that's the case, you'll come back here on Step 7.

Authorize payroll debits

After you've connected a bank account and it has been verified, you'll need to authorize debits for US payroll.

💡 Please note: This step is not needed for contractor or EOR payroll.

Complete employee setup

You may have state-specific requirements at the employee level. For example, in the State of Washington, you’ll need to provide information for worker's compensation for the Department of Labor & Industries. A Plane implementation specialist will assist you if this is the case.

6. Register for new states if needed

You must register for payroll tax accounts in the states where employees work. Registration will also establish tax rates and exemptions for your organization.

Plane implementation specialists can help you get the required instructions to help you complete the registration.

7. Continue US payroll setup

At this point, all US employees who are scheduled for your first payroll run should be onboarded. Head back over to the US Payroll setup to complete the US payroll setup as covered in Step 5.

Your payroll onboarding status should either be Complete or Needs attention. Needs attention is expected when you haven’t received all of the state payroll tax account information and have outstanding filing authorizations to complete.

If your payroll onboarding status is Blocked, Step 8 cannot be initiated. Please review Step 5 if your onboarding status is Blocked.

8. Import historical payroll if needed

If you are transitioning to Plane mid-year, we'll need to help with importing historical payroll data.

9. Set up benefits if needed

If you are offering employee benefits that require employer contributions and/or employee deductions, work with your Plane implementation contact to get those set up.

10. Submit for business verification

Plane will submit your company for US payroll business verification. This step can be completed almost immediately if you don’t need to import historical payroll. Otherwise, analyzing your data for tax variances can take up to 2 business days. Any variances will be handled either with a quarter-end filing or via a mid-quarter collection for larger negative variances. If you overpaid taxes, that might result in a year-end refund. You’ll receive a variance report if there is anything significant to report.

11. Complete your first payroll run

Now you are ready to complete your first payroll run. Many companies start off with 4-day processing, but you may be pre-approved for 2-day processing if they show sufficient liquidity or payroll history for 2-day processing.

If you started with 4-day processing, you can request an upgrade to 2-day processing by providing 2 months of business bank statements for the account that is connected to US payroll.

After you have completed your first payroll run, it is a good time to formally end service with your previous payroll provider.

12. Finalize US Payroll setup

If you previously registered for one or more new states, you’ll need to revisit the state tax setup and filing authorizations once your tax accounts and rates are available. Many states take 2 or more weeks to process your registration.

Go to the US Payroll setup and click "Edit" on the US payroll setup to access the tax setup and filing authorization forms. To avoid filing errors, it is best to complete this before the end of the current quarter and definitely not later than the end of the tax year.

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