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Adding other earnings for team members on payroll
Adding other earnings for team members on payroll

Learn how to add one-time or recurring bonuses, commissions, allowances, and more

Updated this week


You can manage bonuses, commissions, allowances, and other types of additional pay for team members on payroll directly from their HR profile. We refer to these as Other earnings to distinguish them from Regular earnings, such as a person’s annual salary. It’s important to correctly classify other earnings because they are taxable.

While it’s possible to add other earnings for US employees and contractors by editing payroll, we recommend managing this through a person’s profile. Doing so gives you a complete view of their compensation at a glance, enables you to schedule and preview changes, and maintains a change history.

International employees

All compensation changes for international employees, including other earnings, must be requested and approved before they take effect. The instructions below apply to all employment types, but they don’t include details about the approval process for international employees. Please see Changing compensation for international employees for details.

Step-by-step guide

Add other earnings

From the Compensation tab on the employee’s profile, click ‘Add other earnings’ from the right sidebar.

Enter the following information:

Type of other earnings


  • Commission

  • Bonus

  • Allowance

  • Severance

  • Retro pay

  • Overtime (for international employees) only

A bonus will be taxed (if applicable) as supplemental income, while other types are taxed as regular income.


Add an optional note to describe the other earnings.



  • One-time

  • Recurring–Will be paid each paycheck according to the person's pay schedule

When do you want this to be paid?

Select a pay period that is still open for changes. You can select up to three periods in the future.

Pay period(s)

One-time earnings
Select the pay period in which the earning should be paid. The corresponding pay date will be shown.

Note: Pay periods that have passed their approval deadline won’t be available for selection.

Recurring earnings
Set a First pay period to determine when the recurring earning should begin. Then, choose a Last pay period to determine when it should stop. You can set the last pay period to continue indefinitely or select a specific pay period up to two years in the future.

Other earnings are never prorated. The amount you enter will be paid in full for each paycheck the person receives for the pay period, regardless of how many days they worked in the period.

Viewing other earnings

Other earnings will appear below regular earnings on your team member’s Compensation tab.

Other earnings for contractors and US employees are applied to payroll in near real-time, so they can be previewed in Run Payroll or using the Payroll preview report.

Editing other earnings

Clicking the pencil (edit) icon allows you to make changes or cancel.

Before the first payment

For both one-time and recurring other earnings, you can edit all fields—including the amount and pay period(s)—or cancel the earning entirely, as long as it hasn’t been processed yet. Once payroll is processed, the earning is locked in—even if the actual payment hasn’t been made yet.

After the first payment

For one-time earnings, no further action is needed. The earning has already been paid and is now part of payroll history.

For recurring earnings, you can still adjust the last pay period to stop future payments. If you need to update the amount, simply end the current earning and create a new one with the updated value.

View payroll items

Payroll items will reflect the changes, and the appropriate tax withholdings will be made where applicable.


If you have questions, please contact us at

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